Don’t hate it.
Automate it.

Eliminate Repetitive Task Syndrome (RTS) via Zapier powered automations.

Maybe you’ve heard how Zapier can automate mundane, repetitive aspects of your business.

Maybe you already have an account but you feel as though you aren’t really leveraging Zapier to maximize value.

I’m here to help. With over a decade of Zapier automation under my belt, I’ve built hundreds of Zaps and saved thousands of hours.

Book a free 30 min call…

Here’s an example of a Zapier workflow I built that saved over 3,000 hours per year. The Zoom Sessions Generator simplified the laborious process my client faced of creating thousands of Zoom sessions per year by coupling together a number of services, leveraging the Zoom API, and creating a custom built Slack bot.

Diagram of the Zoom Sessions Generator Workflow

Do you suffer from Repetive Task Syndrome (RTS)? I have the cure. It’s called more Zapier.

That is such an awesome video @donovan! πŸ™Œ Thank you so much for sharing this with the Community, I know there will be plenty of folks here that will find it useful! πŸ€— - SamB